With the competition only a week away we’re pleased to announce some changes to the Rock and Bowl format. Of course- these changes wouldn’t be possible without our wonderful sponsors- Microsoft and Sunder Media. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor just contact Kelley Muir at director@sundermedia.com… Now for the changes!
Teams are now asked for an open donation, that’s right- no more minimum donation of $150. Please keep in mind though- the event costs us $40 per a team. We hope this allows more people to participate… but of course we wouldn’t let an opportunity for competition slip us by. The grand prize for the team that raises the most money is a custom-built guitar with your team/company branding. The guitar will be a playable “strat” style guitar painted in your team’s colors and your team’s logo. Logos must be print/camera ready. How cool is that?
We have now added two additional ticket types to the registration page. Want to play but don’t have a team? Sign up as an individual and we will pair you up with others. Don’t want to play? Still come! Register under Just Hanging Out so we can have an accurate count for food.
We also have more items which we are adding to the raffle, and you’ll hear about those in the next day or so.
Now- as per the recommendation of the Float Left Labs Chairman of the Board- let the smack talk commence! I hope your team has been practicing because my college students – well, in the words of The Dude… That creep can roll. You hear me team from Wedu?
If you’re team kicks enough butt, you can head down to Nashua the next night and show off your shiny new bowling trophy.